
Tuesday 30 June 2020

Dream Wife 'So When You Gonna...' (ALBUM REVIEW)

With the UK music industry still seemingly male dominated, particularly when it comes to the hallowed environs of the recording studio, it’s refreshing to discover London-based all-girl trio Dream Wife’s sophomore release on Lucky Number records came together thanks to an all-female studio team. 

Fronted by Iceland born Rakel Moji her breathy baby doll vocals complemented by Alice Go’s acrobatic guitar arpeggios, with Bella Popadec’s bass expertly underpinning things, Dream Wife ooze girl-power sassiness yet boast plenty of substance behind the style, the eleven tracks on ‘So When You Gonna…’ taking their raw feminist bubblegum punk blueprint from a fine eponymous debut, adding layers of sheen and sophistication on what proves to be a very fine pop record.

Originally starting as an excuse to visit friends across Canada, ‘Dream Wife’ became a longer-term concern after the North American road trip became such a hit, the girls realising they liked each other’s company as well as making music together.  Cutting their live chops, including north of a hundred dates promoting their acclaimed first album, post-tour restlessness led them to start playing sports together whilst crafting their follow-up, the inspiration behind the album’s groove laden lead-off single ‘Sports’, complete with its Lazy Town inspired video.   

Released on 3rd July, the assertive title track ‘So When You Gonna…’ is arguably the rawest number here, yet this record also covers bleaker topics such as pregnancy loss in ‘Temporary’, one night stands in ‘Hasta La Vista’, social anxiety in ‘Validation’ as well as women’s reproductive rights in the sombre piano tinged closer ‘After The Rain’. 

‘Dream Wife’ live shows are reportedly a blast too, with innovative safe space initiatives including ‘Girls to the Front’ namely female only mosh pits. Once this lockdown malarkey is all done and dusted, expect them to be tearing a UK venue near you a new one next Spring, including The Wardrobe, Leeds ......can’t wait!

Words - Mike Price